Chat with us if you are considering the end-of-life process for your pet or if you need help today.
We are here to support.
We will get back to you as soon as possible in the instance where you are not able to reach us, keeping in mind that we can be dealing with patients and their families all day. It can be really helpful if you are able to send a text if you can't get through on the phone, thank you.
Why choose us?
Gentle Care
Paws to Sleep comes to your home to deeply support the end-of-life process for your pet.
This helps to make it all simpler without the added stress for you and your companion attending a vet clinic and/or attempting to transport a pet who is ill or immobile. A foundational principle of this level of care is to ensure your pet is not fearful or afraid of this natural process. This is achieved by firstly being in a familiar environment, but also supported by the use of sedation so that your companion is completely relaxed before euthanising. Oftentimes, pets in vet clinics are not sedated prior to euthanasia, which can lead to additional stress for the pet and the owner. The process followed at Paws to Sleep is gentle and supportive for both the guardian and companion.
At Paws to Sleep there is space to allow the process of transition for your companion to unfold.
There is no rushing to the next appointment and no fretting with ‘taking too long’ in the consult room whilst others may be waiting. The death of a pet can be a challenging time, and so space is provided to allow the emotions involved to rise to the surface and be met in a caring and gentle way. You and your family will be held in a quality of tenderness, allowing your beloved companion to pass over peacefully and delicately.
After your pet has passed, you have the ultimate choice on where their final resting place may be.
You may have planned for a home burial, or wish to use one of the crematoria we recommend or you may have decided on an alternative crematorium. If you choose one of the crematoria we work with, you can be assured that your companion’s body will be accepted by them promptly (when you are ready) and treated with utmost respect, as if they were their own pet, and the ashes should be available for collection the same or next day.
Of note
If you need help today, please do contact me on 07967815802 as opposed to sending an email or using the get in touch form. If you can't get through, please text if you are able or leave a message.
If your situation is urgent and you are unable to get through to me, I will be dealing with other patients, and you should call your usual vet.
If you need help outside of our contact hours, you should contact your usual vet and follow their out of hours process.